Oral Health

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Receding Gums: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Based on the diagnosis, a dentist might recommend these gums recession treatments: Scaling, Root Planing, Medication, Flap Surgery

How long after teeth whitening can I drink coffee and eat normally?

How long after teeth whitening can I drink coffee and eat normally?

What should I eat after teeth whitening? Some foods and beverages like coffee must be avoided. You can eat chicken, banana, white rice

Internal Tooth Bleaching London

Internal Tooth Bleaching London

If your teeth are losing natural whiteness and make you self-conscious then consult our dentist to discuss internal tooth bleaching in London

Tooth Bonding vs. Veneers

Tooth Bonding vs. Veneers

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Options at Smileee: Laser Teeth Whitening - Zoom! The best teeth whitening dental clinic in London for glowing teeth.

Airflow Teeth Polishing

Airflow Teeth Polishing

The new Air Flow polishing treatment uses water, compressed air, and some fine powder particles to cleanse the teeth surface.

Black Triangle Teeth

Black Triangle Teeth

What Are Black Triangle Teeth? Also known as open gingival embrasures could be a cleanliness nightmare resulting in plaque, tartar and

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This is how laughter works

Laughter can cause blood pressure to drop and the bronchi to open. Prolonged laughter spreads like waves through the entire body and releases

Dental Hygienist in London

Dental Hygienist in London

A professional dental hygienist at our London clinic will discuss dental ailments with you and suggest suitable dental treatments

Differences Between NHS and Private Dental Care

Differences Between NHS and Private Dental Care

Over 61% of British adults visit a dentist at the NHS clinic or private clinic at least once in a year. Since treatments available at the NHS dental clinics are free of charge, people prefer going to these clinics.

Smileee Orthodontics
Address: 71 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AY
Tel: +44 20 3974 2002
Email: [email protected]

Opening Hours

Weekdays 8am - 8pm
Weekends 9am - 5pm